
Yardful of abandoned houses, Pori, Finland

Visited by skkye & jonahi in July or August 2009. We didn't realize to take any pictures when visiting this place, so these ones from Google will do. The whole yardful of houses is demolished long time ago, and nowadays there is a parking lot. Surprising. I think we managed to get into only two or three of the red houses, and into one cellar where we found some old newspapers from the war time, year 1945. The writings on them were a bit awkward, such as "some unknown man hanged himself some day last week somewhere near this town..." but the war news were very interesting. We also found one suspicious-looking bottle of something alcoholic. There was very empty inside the apartments, except in the attic where was some stuff. I don't remember very well anymore. But I think there were beautiful fireplaces.

In a dark closet under the stairs were a freaky little table and a child's chair with metal chains. I hope that it only looked more horrible to me than it had been in reality! But I'm still having thoughts of a disabled child locked in there... Hrrr.


  1. Itse kävin kans tuolla kun oli vielä pystyssä, tarvii sanoo et toi kulman hylätty strippiklubi oli kyl yks mielenkiintoisimmista autiotalokokemuksista!

    1. Aa voi vitsi, me ei ikinä keritty käymään tossa strippibaarissa, yhdessä toisessa vastaavassa sit ollaankin käyty (oli kans Porissa, siinä Ratsulan vieressä). Uskon et on ollut mielenkiintonen tutkimuskohde :D
