
Burned house, Tampere, Finland

Visited 15.10.2011 by jonahi & skkye. The top floor was quite badly burned, so there was a big mess and just a little to see. The ground floor was another junkies nest. I think those handmarks in soot were way cool! And that poor little stuffed being all alone in the dark room, I felt pity towards it. Writings on the walls were naive in a cute way, "I hate cops", haha aww. But those writings on the fridge saying "fridge" and on the cupboard saying "cupboard" were strange.

(Edited by jonahi; added a couple of pics and text.)


  1. Mä olen käynyt tuolla ennen kuin se ehti palaa. Mielenkiintoinen, mutta todella pieni talo! Mietin aikoinaan, että kukahan kääpiö siellä mahtoi asua! Oli meinaan yläkerta sen verran matala :D

    1. Oliko siellä silloin paljonkin mielenkiintoista tavaraa? Ehkä se yläkerta oli lastenhuone, jota äidin ei tarvinnut mahtua siivoamaan :) tai niin ainakin noista minipöydästä ja -tuoleista päättelisin!
