In the old
classroom painted naked women watched every step I took. Time was peeling paint off from the walls and an empty platform was waiting for a teacher to stand on it and speak wise
words. I guess this room has been an atelier after school years. The
whole room was bathed in light because of the huge windows - it must have
been a perfect light for painting. Both "pregnant woman" -paintings
were maybe my favourites but I also loved a door with four landscapes.
A collection of green and white empty
bottles was almost an another piece of art. The person who had lived there had
had a beautiful touch and visual eye to turn casual things into compositions. With all the
colorful walls, ceilings and furniture I think this place was the most
beautiful school I've ever seen (even though I guess it wasn't this colorful
when it really was a school). Being in the middle of all these
shades, shapes and things was pure inspiration for me.