
House full of memories (part 3), Salo, Finland

One of the funniest things was a Swedish barometer that expresses today's mood of the house's lady. The arrow was pointing to "angry"! I also liked how the fireplace's paint was breaking away like a rose flower. The postcards on the writing desk revealed that the house was inhabited at least in the year 1984. It really is a huge mystery why this place has been abandoned and it's bothering my mind when looking at these photos. The place looked just like someone had left in a hurry, packed quickly some of their clothes and searched for important papers, throwing them all over. Maybe taken some photographs with them as well. They had covered the bed with plastic, though. I guess it is the distinctiveness of this house. It is very clear that here was not living any poor old couple who died and the house was abandoned when their offspring didn't know what to do with it (which seems to be the usual story), but a relatively young, modern and prosperous family. From time when people were allowed to smile broadly in passport photos.


  1. No huhhuh. Ihan tosi mielenkiintoista seurata kuva kerrallaan tätä paikkaa. Tästä tuli kylmät väreet. Se miten kesken asiat ovat jääny. Mahtavasti taltioitu!

    1. Suurkiitos! Kylmiä väreitä tosiaan aiheutti. Hyvä että paikan vaikuttavuus välittyy, vaikka paskahkon kameran kanssa se taltiointi ei niin kovin helppoa ollutkaan :-D

  2. Todella hienoja kuvia.. mahtava tunnelma!

  3. Don't these places ever make you sad? Looking at the photos, kinda makes me sad...

    1. Well, I would say these make me more melancholic than sad. There is just so much beauty and things that make me curious in abandoned houses that sadness is not the first feeling I usually get. But some places have been quite sad as well.

  4. Vau, vau, vau! Upeita kuvia ja upean hyytävä tunnelma siitä huolimatta, että huoneet tulvii auringonvaloa.

    " The place looked just like someone had left in a hurry, packed quickly some of their clothes and searched for important papers, throwing them all over. Maybe taken some photographs with them as well. "

    Niinpä! Oikea mysteeri. Tekis melkein mieli kirjoittaa. :D Ihanan tuttu, ja samalla mystinen fiilis tuli tuosta unkarin kielestä ja läsnäolosta.

    1. Kiitos hurjasti :) Joo, olin ite ihan hermona tuolla, johtui varmaan juurikin paikan fiiliksestä! Tosta sais kyllä hyvän inspiksen tarinointiin, että eikun kirjoittamaan vaan! Unkari on kieltämättä aika mystinen kieli, heh.

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