
Military bunker, Tampere, Finland

Visited 1.6.2014 by skkye. The road to this old military bunker goes through a beautiful forest. I remember seeing two gorgeous black woodpeckers playing together before we went into the bunker. My friend had been there before and he said usually the door is strictly closed but on that day we were lucky and it was magically opened.

The contrast between the sunny forest full of birdsong and the cold, wet and pitch-dark bunker was huge. The voice of our steps echoed from the stone walls when we walked deep inside the bunker. Every now and then we met a doorway with a heavy bomb shelter door and stepped in. I couldn't help thinking about someone walking silently behind us and locking all the iron doors. We didn't know if there was any other way out, our cell phones didn't work underground and there was no point to shout for help. I felt restless and uneasy - the bunker is so unnatural place for human being.
   I was also concerned about breathing. What if there wasn't enough oxygen or some poisonous gas was leaking from somewhere? I tried my best to relax and concentrate taking photos but at some point it was just too much for me and I kind of freaked out. "I can't breath, here is no oxygen, we have to go out!" Going outside and seeing sunlight made me feel better and after many deep breaths we retried exploring the whole bunker. I'm happy about our persistence since the most interesting finds were in the end of the bunker. There was for example postcards from radio stations all over the world, over twenty years old poster of generals and a secret passage outdoors.


  1. Hieno mesta! Hetken kuumotteli se laskeutuminen pimeään kuiluun.

  2. Ainiin ja piti sanomani että otatte aivan älyttömän hyviä valokuvia!

    1. Jep, oli ihan mahtava paikka vaikka itekin sai läpikäydä koko kuumotuksen skaalan siellä. Me ei sentään jouduttu laskeutumaan sinne, vaan saatiin mennä suoraan avonaisesta ovesta. En tiiä oisko oma psyyke kestänytkään enää sitä laskeutumista kaiken muun lisäksi :D

  3. Hi, can you post the location of this bunker? I will go to Tampere and i wish take some photos of the place. Thx

    1. Hi, I'm sorry but we don't post the locations here. Nothing personal, just trying to prevent vandalism what happens occasionally in these places. I hope you'll find the place some other way!
