
Gold mine buildings, Pirkanmaa, Finland (Part 2)

First time I spotted this place was on our school trip to the forest nearby. Warning sings proclaiming "dangerous area", deteriorated buildings and nature slowly overwhelming the area were so tempting I couldn't get this place out of my mind. Two weeks later we packed our rucksacks and drove there. It was late spring and I remember picking spruce sprouts on our way.
   Getting to the area was easy. Instead of driving away warning signs usually work as an invite for me. I have noticed that "Do not enter" can be translated as "There is something interesting that you really, really need to see". This place wasn't an exception.
   The first thing we went to see was a tower which was inhabited by a jackdaw community. We spent some time trying to figure out how to climb up safely but all the ways were blocked and I didn't want to take any risks. So we didn't disturb jackdaws' peaceful life this time.
   Some of the buildings had become sooty because of fire and in many rooms floor or roof was half'-decayed and there was no chance to walk on it. The most well-preserved building had a turquoise roof and beautiful oblique light coming from the windows near the roofline. Somebody had drawn expressive faces on the walls to guard the place. Rusty lines over the sinks next to the blue ceramic tile made an impression of an American flag.


  1. Hienoja kuvia vaikkakin vähän karmivalta paikalta vaikuttaa. Ite jotenkin kammoksun autioita paikkoja, mutta toisaalta niitä on kiva ihailla näin etäältä ja turvallisesti ruudulta (:

    1. Kiitos, oli tuo kyllä välillä vähän karmivakin kaikkine syvine kuiluineen ja homeisine luolineen. Mut toisaalta ne on samaan aikaan ne kiehtovimmatkin paikat :) Ja on mukava olla edistämässä nojatuoliautiotalomatkailua!
