
Great manor house (Part 1), Pöytyä, Finland

Visited 14.10.2012 by skkye & jonahi. Somehow I'm afraid to say anything about this great country house. I feel like my words could break the fragile, aged and untouched beauty that we found lying in the sun and under the dust. We couldn't discover any accurate information about the manor's destiny, but according to the letters and funeral invites we found, it looks like a majority of the house's residents had died in the Finnish Continuation War in the 1940's, and only the farmer and landlord who had lost his family, stayed. These people were burghers and very rich among the Finnish farmers, but money or those magnificent old goods couldn't buy happiness. But still, an old photo album and a treasure box full of seashells were the most personal things one could even find.


  1. Upea talo! Albumissa näkyvä torni on muuten Mikkelin Naisvuoren vanha vesitorni. Tuossa se on vielä alkuperäisessä asussaan ilman katettua näköalatasannettaan. Talon väki on tainnut vierailla aikoinaan Mikkelissä... Mun vanhassa kotikaupungissa! :)

    1. Niin on. Tästä tulee varmaan vielä postauksia kyllästymiseen asti :D Kiitos hei tiedosta! On tainnut rahaa olla kun on oikein matkustelemaankin päästy ;-)

  2. Ei näistä kuvista voi kyllästyä! Ei muuta kuin lisää vaan! ;)
